Hayward Place Phoenix Arizona











2021 &2016 Annual HOA Insurance

April 9, 2021

Dear Hayward Place Owners,

First, let me apologize for the tardiness of this letter, it’s about 10+ days later than usual. In the past the letters have gone out the end of March.  The invoice from our NEW Insurance provider has FINALLY arrived and has been PAID. 

The current increase is $35.66 for the entire year or $2.97 per month.  Having stated in the past, the HOA hopes to keep our premiums as low as possible for all owners.

Those of you that pay their insurance with 1 annual payment the new annual premium cost is $441.21 ~ CURRENTLY DUE   ~    *NOTE*  this has been posted on your account/statement as of April 1, 2021. 

Those that have ‘pre-paid’ their insurance and currently are on the monthly insurance payments - your new cost is $35.66 (per month).  Therefore, please adjust/increase THIS month’s payment.

As stated previously and for new owners, please mail your annual premium check or issue your PayPal payment of $441.21 directly to the HOA ~ ASAP. 

Payable to:  HAYWARD PLACE H.O.A. - because the HOA has already paid the annual premium directly to the insurance provider. 

As a reminder, the HOA address is:  7764 North 19th Lane, Phoenix, AZ  85021.  If payments are late, it will be necessary to assess a late fee.

Thank you,

Mary Contento, Treasure



March 17, 2016
Dear Townhouse Owner,

Again, the Board has been looking into reducing the premium costs of the Blanket Policy of the HOA.  This has been accomplished AGAIN, with using our same Retail Broker, but changing from Philadelphia Insurance Companies to UCA General Insurance Services/
Century-National Insurance Company.  It has always been the association's goal to keep that cost down, as much as possible. Therefore, the Board is pleased to notify all owners that the annual association policy for 2016 (per annum) per unit is $371.07.  It may not be a lot, but it's a saving of almost $29.00 per year.
Those of you that pay their insurance monthly - the monthly premium will be $30.93, down from $33.34 in 2015, a savings of $2.41 per month.  As we have asked in the past and we continue to ask, that all homeowners keep records of your improvements, made to your properties, so that we will continue to have the advantage of keeping our premiums as low as possible.  The types of improvements we are referring to are: plumbing, electrical, heating and air conditioning, etc.  We have an aging community and insurance providers take that into consideration when determining our annual premiums.
For those owners that have "pre-paid" their insurance, please adjust the new monthly costs, starting with the April 2016 assessment.  For those that pay their insurance annually, please mail your premium check of $371.07Payable to: HAYWARD PLACE H.O.A. (not to UCA General Insurance Services/Century-National Insurance Co.), as soon as possible.  Hayward Place H.O.A. is expected to make the payment to UCA General Insurance Services/Century-National Insurance Company, ASAP (the 1st week of April).  If payments are late, it will be necessary to assess a late fee.

Thank you